Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sept 29th: Apartment rental blues

Problems with the apartment rental…the owner is really angry with the agency for lack of communication.  He refused to sign the lease or give us the keys and had words with the agent while we sat there trying to comprehend the heated exchange.  Afterward, as we walked out the door, he invited us for coffee and explained his situation.  He felt bad for us, but thought the agent needed a lesson, and felt he needed to protect his interests.  He wanted to make the agent sweat a little.  We had good conversation over coffee.  It was clear to us that everything could be worked out by the next day if Drew and I did our part at the bank.  We searched each other’s faces for intent and confirmation of trustworthiness.  It took a nanosecond to know this was all going to be OK between us.

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